vdiffr package

testing R packages

Tests to compare plots for R packages

E. Eli Holmes https://eeholmes.github.io (NOAA Fisheries)https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/about/northwest-fisheries-science-center

This is for vdiffr version The package is in development so syntax and behavior is likely to change. Read the testing chapter in the R packages book for background on writing tests for R packages.

Tests to compare two images

https://vdiffr.r-lib.org/ is a package that integrates with the testthat package to allow tests that compare plot outputs.

Setting up your package for unit testing


Makes the tests folder and testthat subfolder.

Within the testthat folder,


This will make a test file test-xyz.R in the testthis subfolder. When you make your own test files, replace “xyz” with your test name.

To run the tests, you can open test-xyz.R in RStudio and it will recognize that this is a test file. “Run tests” will show up on the upper right of the file.

snapshot workflow

The first time that you run expect_doppelganger("xyz", plt1) within a test_that() call, a snapshot expectation will run and a svg of plt1 will be made in tests/testthat/_snaps/xyz called xyz.svg. The next time expect_doppelganger("xyz", plt2) is run within a test_that() call, a svg of plt2 will be made and compared to xyz.svg. If it is different, the file xyz.new.svg will be made in tests/testthat/_snaps/xyz.

Because of this workflow, we want to make sure tests/testthat/_snaps/xyz is empty before we start because we have to run expect_doppelganger("xyz", plt1) to create xyz.svg but if xyz.svg is already there from previous tests, we might end up creating xyz.new.svg if plt1 is a different plot than xyz.svg.

The full test-xyz.R test file is below. Here I break down the parts of that file.

Give some info about the tests (context), load packages, and then clean up the _snaps folder. Having old svgs there can mess up your tests.


# Clean up the _snaps folder for this test file
# Note this won't be necessary in some situations
fils <- dir(file.path(here::here(), "tests", "testthat", "_snaps", "xyz"), full.names = TRUE)

Compare two ggplots plot

Here is the contents of test-xyz.R to compare two plots. This test should fail because the plots are different.

plt <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram()
# Save as ggplot-test1.svg in _snaps folder
# This will appear as a successful test, i.e. plot successfully created
test_that("setup", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test1", plt)
plt <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp)) + geom_histogram()
test_that("plots are different", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test1", plt)

Since they are different, you will see ggplot-test1.new.svg in the _snaps folder.

Compare two base plots

The syntax here is a little different. The object that you pass into expect_doppelganger() as the second argument is a function that creates the base plot. Otherwise the steps are the same.

plt <- function(){ hist(mtcars$mpg) }
# Step 1. Create base-test.svg
# This will appear as a successful test, i.e. plot successfully created
test_that("setup", {
  expect_doppelganger("base-test", plt)
# Step 2. Test new plot against base-test.svg
# Test will fail since they are different
plt <- function(){ hist(mtcars$disp) }
test_that("plots are different", {
  expect_doppelganger("base-test", plt)

Final test-xyz.R file

This should be in the testthat folder in tests folder. Running this will show 2 Fails and 4 Passes. To run, you can open the file in RStudio and look for the “Run Tests” button in top right of file. Or run this code.

fil <- file.path(here::here(), "tests", "testthat", "test-xyz.R")

Or open the file in RStudio and run this code:


The full test file.


# Clean up the _snaps folder for this test file
# Note this won't be necessary in some situations
fils <- dir(file.path(here::here(), "tests", "testthat", "_snaps", "xyz"), full.names = TRUE)

# This test should fail. The plots are different
# Step 1 make first plot
plt <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram()
# Save as ggplot-test1.svg in _snaps folder
# This will appear as a successful test, i.e. plot successfully created
test_that("setup", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test1", plt)
# Step 2. Create 2nd plot and compare to ggplot-test1.svg in _snaps folder
plt <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp)) + geom_histogram()
test_that("plots are different", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test1", plt)
# Since they are different, you will see ggplot-test1.new.svg in the _snaps folder

# This test should not fail. The plots should be the same.
fun <- function(dat){ return(ggplot(dat, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram()) }
plt <- fun(mtcars)
# Step 1. Create ggplot-test2.svg
# This will appear as a successful test, i.e. plot successfully created
test_that("setup", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test2", plt)
# Step 2. Test new plot against ggplot-test2.svg
plt <- fun(na.omit(mtcars))
test_that("plots are the same", {
  expect_doppelganger("ggplot-test2", plt)
# Since they are the same, you will NOT see ggplot-test2.new.svg in the _snaps folder

# Comparing plots made with base graphics; Create a function that makes the plot
plt <- function(){ hist(mtcars$mpg) }
# Step 1. Create base-test.svg
# This will appear as a successful test, i.e. plot successfully created
test_that("setup", {
  expect_doppelganger("base-test", plt)
# Step 2. Test new plot against base-test.svg
# Test will fail since they are different
plt <- function(){ hist(mtcars$disp) }
test_that("plots are different", {
  expect_doppelganger("base-test", plt)


For attribution, please cite this work as

Holmes (2021, Sept. 28). R-Govys: vdiffr package. Retrieved from https://rgovys.github.io/posts/2021-09-28-vdiffr/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Holmes, E. Eli},
  title = {R-Govys: vdiffr package},
  url = {https://rgovys.github.io/posts/2021-09-28-vdiffr/},
  year = {2021}